Additional References
Cerquiglini, Bernard. In Praise of the Variant: a Critical History of Philology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
Symes, Carol. "Manuscript Matrix, Modern Canon." In Middle English. Oxford University Press, 2007-04-19.
Zumthor, Paul, and Marilyn C. Engelhardt. "The Text and the Voice." New Literary History 16, no. 1 (1984): 67-92. 10.2307/468776.
Gillespie, Alexandra. "Poets, Printers, and Early English Sammelbande". Huntington Library Quarterly. 67. 189-214. (2004) 10.1525/hlq.2004.67.2.189.
Knight, Jeffrey Todd. "Organizing Manuscript and Print: From Compilatio to Compilation". in Johnston, Michael, and Michael Van Dussen, eds. The Medieval Manuscript Book: Cultural Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Foys, Martin. "Medieval Manuscripts: Media Archaeology and the Digital Incunable". in Johnston, Michael, and Michael Van Dussen, eds. The Medieval Manuscript Book: Cultural Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Nichols, Stephen. "What is a Manuscript Culture? Technologies of the Manuscript Matrix". in Johnston, Michael, and Michael Van Dussen, eds. The Medieval Manuscript Book: Cultural Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Bourgain, Pascale. "The Circulation of Texts in Manuscript Culture". in Johnston, Michael, and Michael Van Dussen, eds. The Medieval Manuscript Book: Cultural Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Mak, Bonnie. How the Page Matters. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.
Camille, Micheal. "Making Margins". in Image on the Edge: the Margins of Medieval Art. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1992.
Kwakkel, Eric. "Decoding the Material Book: Cultural Residue in Medieval Manuscripts". in Johnston, Michael, and Michael Van Dussen, eds. The Medieval Manuscript Book: Cultural Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Le Bœuf, Patrick. "Modeling Rare and Unique Documents: Using FRBROO/CIDOC CRM". Joural of Archival Organization vol. 10, issue 2. (2012).
McDonough, Jerome, Matthew Kirschenbaum, Doug Reside, Neil Fraistat, and Dennis Jerz. "Twisty Little Passages Almost All Alike: Applying the FRBR Model to a Classic Computer Game". Digital Humanities Quarterly. vol. 4 no. 2. (2010).
Rouse, Richard H. and Mary A. Rouse. "Statim invenire: Schools, Preachers, and New Attitudes to the Page". in Benson, Robert L., Giles Constable, Carol Dana. Lanham, and Charles Homer Haskins, eds. Renaissance and Renewal in the Twelfth Century. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982.